seawater temperatures mediterrean sea

weather forecast

here you can see the weather forecast


more weather details
and statistics!

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If english is your native language and you like to proof-read this page, you are very wellcome to do so.
Just mark the text, paste and copy it to your favorite text program (for example word) and make the corrections.
Send it to me by email.
I will be very happy!

Lassie says goodbye to you.
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This is my lovely Lassi (please spell it like the “a” in party - so she can understand you). She likes walks as long as possible in any direction.

If you like dogs too and none are around, you can take her with you to have company for your walk.

August 2007: Unfortunetly, my lovely dog Lasi died by accident - she was killed by poison. This attac was not done against her, but someone wanted to kill animals. Like many people do here on Crete, a big disaster.
I am very upset and very very unhappy.

To do something against this practice, we are trying to plan a groop for protecting the rights of animals. I will post more information when we are further along.






This page is already proof read by Dennes, thank you!


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