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RestaurantRestaurants - a bit difficult to write about, because the little kitchens which offered a few simple, but very tasty traditional dishes – are now not easy to find.

Nowadays the kitchens are much bigger as they attempt to attract the tourists. and generally, I think, that as long as a restaurant is located near a tourist location (like the sea, promenade or other tourist attractions) it has become less necessary to produce traditional, well done dishes, because the tourists will go there anyway and will always want and need something to eat, so finding customers is no problem. I also think, that compared with 10 years ago, when each restaurant would prepare different dishes, now they are prepare a similar menu, from fish to meat, oven roasts and soups, to meet all tourist expectations, but, that doesn’t mean that everything is as good in each restaurant!

I want to introduce you to some restaurants in Kaliviani and around, I really like. Let me know if you find another good restaurant which is different from the others.

Thank you, Abbe Dolin for proof-reading this page!

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