weather forecast

here you can see the weather forecast


more weather details
and statistics!

Help needed!
If english is your native language and you like to proof-read this page, you are very wellcome to do so.
Just mark the text, paste and copy it to your favorite text program (for example word) and make the corrections.
Send it to me by email.
I will be very happy!

german version
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  tha's me!
The navigation on this website is quiet easy - just click on HOME and you will get back to the first page. From there you can choose every theme you want

If you want to open more sides to compare, go to sitemap (button right above) and choose all the sides you are interested in.Send me a mail if you have a question
because I am talking Greek I might be helpful

If you wants to help me, oh yes you’re very welcome!
You have seen something new - tell me and send me a mail

Or you decided to benefit this website? Wow - that sounds good! Send me a mail with your ideas.
Volunteers wanted!

  • You want to translate a page or correct my English? Or you know other languages to translate in?
  • Italian would be nice,
  • or France, or what about Polish?
  • and of course - proper Greek translation should be found too.



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