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Seasons - springtimeblossom with visitor
Itride with a car’s the big recover for everyone and everything from winter times. The last rain has opened the ground and all of the seeds growing up soon. Wild oxeye daisies and violet flowering thistles cover up the fields. From day to day it became bigger until waist-high; impenetrable and immense. Fields full of red poppies seems be made overnight. Have a look all over the colourful spring-meadows with its different grass. In small flocks’ sheep with lambs going around and the buck vaulting they do its joy of live at its best.

Picasso-goatFinally also the goats left stables to be gazing all day long. The goats are descendants of old breeds and most of them still have strong long horns which you don’t find any more among mogoatdern breeds. With their thin hips they look like a living Picasso-picture. Some of them you can find on a lead beside the roads – bikers be careful, don’t scare them, they might flee into the wrong direction and suddenly a strong taut rope appears right over the street.

The vine was cut already in the end of March/begin of April, now sprout little hairy buds, soon we will have a green growing roof over the bower. Out of the fresh green leaves Greek women makes delicious stuffed vine leaves filled with rise, tomatoes and onions (cut into small pieces) and fresh mint. You can put fresh picked wine leaves also into deep-freeze – just scald them before freezing with hot water, so you can cook this tasty meal all over summer. Small birds sing their love-songs and fly cocky above our heads, only eyes for the partner and blissful sensation under the wings. The olive trees are full of buds. You can hardly see them but there are thousand of buds and fresh green new leaves too. Some months later the trees will change the green inblossomsto the well known olive-green but now it’s still light green. Lemon trees are full of intensive yellow shining fruits and Mispola trees have a lot of little tasty fruits. The orange flesh with its big smooth stones inside smells fresh and a bit sour. You can’t keep them long time so better to eat them soon. The almond trees have had blossoms already in February; now watch the little hairy green almonds among tender and fresh green leaves. Here tpeach blossomhe children like to eat them now, while the green shell covers the still white and soft almond kernel. What a delicacy! Meanwhile the farmers sweat away. The fields are plough already – now they plant potatoes. Other farmers reap the so-called Stamnangathi, a wild salad, a bit like dandelion. Now they use cultivated seeds and it became very popular because of its good prices at the markets. The little plants must be cut by hand with a knife one by one, watered so that the earth goes off and cleaned from bad leaves. This work is done from young and old women of the village to earn money with it.
With a megaphone (Greek: mega = μεγάλος/big, phone = φωνή/voice) the moving dealers announce in Kaliviani thplastic chairseir offers. Plastic tables and chairs for your veranda – most of these dealers are gypsies who lived in a small box inside the big Lorries. Since the EU has made new laws for recycling they also collecting scrap metal, but spring seems to be not the right season for it. Another moving dealer sells fresh yoghurt packed in little bowls made of clay. His megaphone is the same loud like the one of the fish dealer, who comes along one time each week. Every second day the moving bakery comes around. His ear-splitting honking calls our attention to him. From now on live happens at the streets again until autumn. Just now George has put all his tables and chairs outside of the kafenio to lure for some customers. The sun still warms you up, eave when the north-wind is still a bit cold and not fresh like he is in summer. For holidaymaker spring is a very nice time for riding a bike, jogging or walking.

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